Providing buyers and sellers of Hermès bags with fast and independent authentication services based on online images and descriptions.
As a Hermès specialist authenticator, I know how important it is for customers to receive a prompt response when they need authentication services. My turnaround time is approximately 12 hours or less from receipt of satisfactory pictures and payment of fees. My Hermès authentication services are available 24/7. You’ll receive a watermarked PDF certificate upon completion of the assessment.
Hermès Authentication Services:
Offering fast written authenticity opinions on the Hermès Birkin, Kelly, Evelyne, and all other Hermès handbags and wallets for any occasion, including:
◆ Authenticity verification of a Hermès bag you have purchased in the secondary market from a reseller
◆ Authenticity verification of a Hermès bag you have seen online and are considering buying
◆ Authenticity verification of a Hermès bag you are considering selling in the secondary market
◆ Assistance to validate authenticity for clients who have regular authentication needs. We offer special pricing for high volume clients.
◆ Providing letters for dispute cases with PayPal, eBay and credit card companies
◆ Providing a correct market value opinion for your Hermès handbag
Hermès authentication prices :
Hermès Non Exotic Skin |
$60.00 |
Hermès Exotic skin |
$80.00 |
PDF Certificate of Authenticity (add-on) |
$10.00 |
Estimated value (add-on) |
$15.00 |
Signed PDF Certificate of Authenticity |
$199.00 |